Date variables


If you do not work with date variables, you might skip this subchapter.

Date variables

// See the pdf on date variables for an overview

* Convert strings into dates
set obs 10
gen date_str = "15. April 2021"			// most time variables are imported as strings
gen date = date(date_str,"DMY")			// transform them with the date() function
br						// Stata stores dates as days since 01 Jan 1960

* Date format
format date %td					// format to make it human-readable
format date %tdDD_Month_YY			// many ways how to format date variables
help datetime_display_formats

* Convert strings into dates based on different formats
gen tomorrow1 = date("16. April 2021","DMY")	// "DMY": date is given as day, month, year
gen tomorrow2 = date("April 16, 2021","MDY")	// "MDY": date is given as month, day, year
gen tomorrow3 = td(16apr2021)			// transform "formatted" string into date
format tomorrow1 tomorrow2 tomorrow3 %td

* Display dates
display date("April 16, 2021","MDY")
display %td date("April 16, 2021","MDY")

* Calculate with dates
drop tomorrow*
gen tomorrow = date+1				// dates are numeric --> normal calculation possible
gen yesterday = date-1
format tomorrow yesterday %td			// remember to format date variables
help datetime durations				// special date functions for durations
gen birth = date("20. November 2011","DMY")
gen age = age(birth,date)

* Extract dates
gen year = year(date)				// get year from date variable
gen month = month(date)				// get month from date variable
gen day = day(date)				// get day (in month) from date variable
br date year-day

* Combine dates
gen new_date = mdy(month,day,year)		// get date from components
format new_date %td

	* Common mistake
	gen time = clock("15. April 2021 12:00:00","DMYhms")
	format time %tc
	br time
	help data_types
	su time

	gen double exact_time = clock("15. April 2021 12:00:00","DMYhms")
	format exact_time %tc
	br *time		

Helpful PDF file (external)


Remark: Check the pdf-file for helpful functions.

Clear your working space. Set the number of observations to 12.

  1. Generate a variable called “day” containing 1’s. Generate a variable called “month” containing the numbers 1-12 (hint: you can use a system variable for this). Generate a variable called “year” containing the number 2021. Combine the three variables to generate a date variable. Format the date variable accordingly.
  2. Generate a variable which indicates the day of the week of the dates obtained from (1).
  3. Generate a string variable which contains today’s date and the current time (use the date notation you prefer). Based on this variable, generate a time variable. Format the variable accordingly.
  4. Advanced: Generate a copy of the variable from (3), and format it such that only the hour and the minute is displayed (with a colon between hour and minute). Use the command tostring to generate a string variable containing the time. Hint: check the different options of tostring.