Basic variable generation

Basic variable generation

sysuse census.dta, clear

* Generate urban share
generate urban_share = popurban/pop // generate variable "urban_share" as ratio popurban to pop
summarize urban_share, detail // display summary statistics to check

* Generate urban percentile
gen urban_perc = urban_share*100
sum urban_perc, detail

* Generate log urban share
gen ln_urban_share = ln(urban_share) // you can also use functions
sum ln_urban_share, detail help ln() // add "()" to access help-file of functions
help function // overview of all functions

* Replace values
// replacing works the same as generating variables
replace urban_share = urban_share * 100 // replace values of urban_share by its product with 100

* Missing values
gen urban_share_1 = urban_share if region==1 // urban_share for obs. of region 1
br state region urban_share* // urban_share_1 is missing for all other regions
replace urban_share = . if region==1 // set urban_share to missing for region 1
replace urban_share = .a if region==1 // set urban_share to special missing for region 1
help missing

* String variables gen country = "USA" // strings need to be put in quotes
gen region_str = "" // missing value for strings: ""
replace region_str = "North East" if region==1 // fill string variable with region names
replace region_str = "North Central" if region==2
replace region_str = "South" if region==3
replace region_str = "West" if region==4
// for more, see section on string variables

* Copy variables
gen region1 = region // Variant 1: simply defines new variable by content of old variable
clonevar region2 = region // Variant 2: also copies the labels
br region*

* Order variables
gen no1 = 1, before(state) // generates new variable & puts it before variable "state"
gen no2 = 2, after(state) // generates new variable & puts it after variable "state"


Load the pre-installed dataset auto.

  1. The variables “headroom” and “length” are given in inches. Create two new variables which contain the headroom size and the length in cm (1 inch = 2.54 cm).
  2. Replace the variable “gear_ratio” by gear ratio rounded to the next integer (you need to look for the correct function for this).
  3. Clone the variable “make”. Replace the values of the new variable such that the name of all foreign cars is now “Foreign”.