Test yourself!

If you have never worked with Stata before, we recommend that you start with the first chapter and work your way through the different topics.

If you have worked with Stata before, you can use the following exercises to test yourself. This may help you to find out what you already know and what is new for you. Based on the tasks you were able to solve, you can then decide more easily which chapter to start with or which topic to revise.

The first exercise (second tab) is for those who have opened Stata before, but maybe not yet worked with it. It contains questions on the most basic commands.

The second exercise (third tab) is for those who have done their first analyses with Stata. It also starts with the most basic commands but then requires the use of various options and merging datasets. This exercise could also be useful for those who have worked with Stata a long time ago and want to use this exercise to remember the basic commands.